Meditations for An Evolving People

Meditations for An Evolving People: Kundalini Yoga Meditations from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan Chosen for the Times We Are In
Meditations for An Evolving People: Kundalini Yoga Meditations from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan Chosen for the Times We Are In epigraph: Meditations for An Evolving People: Kundalini Yoga Meditations from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan Chosen for the Times We Are In Book: Meditations for An Evolving People: Kundalini Yoga Meditations from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan Chosen for the Times We Are In
Author: MutShat Shemsut-Gianprem Kaur
Published on: 14th June 2020

Meditations for An Evolving People is a love offering to individuals, families and communities of the African diaspora and others in need of immediate healing tools. These come in the form of meditations that speak to physical, mental and spiritual aspects. They are chosen to address those areas in need of greatest attention among historically suppressed populations. Meditations for An Evolving People includes:•How to Rewire Your Brain and Overcome the Looping Mind•Eat to Live—A Form of Self-Love•Saving Black Mothers and Babies•22 meditations for all ability levels You’ll find that these meditations will assist you in creating peace within. With practice, you will find that you are not reacting to the constant chatter of the monkey mind–jumping from thought to thought. Instead, you will cultivate the ability to create a stillness within yourself. With practice, you will enable yourself to more easily process thoughts and feelings, revitalize and relax, so that you can handle stress and create harmony within yourself and with those around you. We all have a part to play during this time of human evolution. Use the technology and sacred science of Kundalini Yoga meditations to navigate these times with clarity, focus, strength, grace, and nobility.

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The Healing Self: A Revolutionary Plan for Wholeness in Mind, Body, and Spirit

The Healing Self epigraph: Book: The Healing Self
Author: Deepak Chopra
Published on: 30th January 2018

After collaborating on two major books featured as PBS specials, Super Brain and Super Genes, Chopra and Tanzi now tackle the issue of lifelong health and heightened immunity.

In the face of environmental toxins, potential epidemics, super bugs, and the aging process The Healing Self offers a unique “whole system” approach that integrates mind and body into one entity. Only by getting past the artificial division between mind and body can personal, holistic healing become real. In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, the burden of healing rests on the individual making the right lifestyle choices every day. Chopra and Tanzi want to guide us to make the best decisions possible and they offer a cutting-edge, Seven-Day Action Plan which allows the reader free choice to develop a personalized path to self-healing.
Besides this unique feature, The Healing Self prioritizes two factors–stress and inflammation–that are emerging as crucial to lifelong health and well-being. A host of chronic disorders like hypertension, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and much more, are known to takes years and sometimes decades to develop before the first symptoms appear. The medical system isn’t set up to attend to chronic low-grade inflammation or the everyday stresses that take their toll over a lifetime. Therefore, learning the secrets of self-healing is mandatory; otherwise, each of us is gambling with our very future.
Chopra’s inspiring prose and Tanzi’s experience as the world’s leading researcher in brain health and Alzheimer’s disease make for a unique combination of knowledge and wisdom. The Healing Self is a high point in a partnership that has benefitted millions of people to date. It is destined to be a landmark book in the growing movement of self-care and lifelong wellness.

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Heal Your Body

Heal Your Body
Heal Your Body epigraph: Heal Your Body Book: Heal Your Body
Author: Louise L. Hay
Published on: 1st July 1984

Louise L. Hay was diagnosed with cancer more than 20 years ago and used the methods she describes in this book to cure herself. She explains how our attitude to life and the language we use cause our ailments. Using her practical techniques, you will be surprised to discover patterns in your own ailments that reveal a lot about yourself. Just look up your illness, and then find the right affirmation to break the pattern.

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You Can Heal Your Life

You Can Heal Your Life epigraph: Book: You Can Heal Your Life
Author: Louise Hay
Published on: 21st February 1984

On this powerful audiobook, Louise L. Hay, the world-renowned author and metaphysical teacher, narrates the text of her internationally acclaimed book of the same name. Louise shares her powerful firsthand experiences on the healing path, and explains how limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness.

Louise shows you that by changing your thinking…you really can heal your life!

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