Guided Meditation Self Love Books To Read In 2022


Guided meditation is a type of meditation that involves various techniques so that an individual can attain a meditative state. This type of meditation can be practiced under the guidance of a practitioner or it can also be practiced by using imagination, music, or audio. Guided meditation also plays an important role in achieving self-love for one’s own well-being. In the mordern life, people are mostly entangled in daily problems and difficulties that somehow demotivates them, because they are more focused on the problems rather themselves and that can be associated with a lack of self-love or self-worth. So, guided meditation can be an effective medium through which you can acquire self-love.


There are many useful tools and methods for guided meditation and self-love that you can use to bring rapid changes into your life. These tools include guided meditation audio clips and positive affirmations. If you want to practice guided meditation you can do that by sitting or lying down comfortably in a quiet room, playing the self-love audio clip, and closing your eyes. Clearly listen to the self-love meditation audio and follow the instructions in it.

Another way to practice guided meditation is to use self-love affirmations while you meditate and as you say each affirmation in your mind or out loud feel grateful for yourself.

One of the most powerful ways to practice guided meditation for self-love is to read guided meditation and self-love books daily and they will provide you with more easy methods and ways to acquire self-love.


Following are the 5 best books on guided meditation and self-love you should read in 2022:

  1. Total Meditation: Practices in Living the Awakened Life (Author: Deepak Chopra M.D)
  2. A Year of Meditation: Daily Moments of Peace, Joy, and Calm (A year of Daily Reflections) (Author: Nora Day)
  3. Meditation for An Evolving People: Kundalini Yoga Meditations from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan Chosen from the Times We Are In (Author: Mutshat Shemsut-Gianprem Kaur)
  4. Meditation for Kids: 40 Activities to Manage Emotions, Ease Anxiety, and Stay Focused (Author: Tejal V.Patel)
  5. Morning Meditations: Awaken Your Power to Change (Norton Professional Books)

Total Meditation: Practices in Living the Awakened Life

The book “Total Meditation” provides the practices to the readers through they can explore and interpret physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual benefits through them. In this book, the author Deepak Chopra trains the readers to acquire new levels of awareness, improve their visions, heal themselves both mentally and physically, and truly understand who they really are. This book will help the readers to transform themselves and experience a spiritual awakening on a mental, physical and spiritual level so that they can become more creative, happy, and blissful throughout the whole day.

Readers of this book say that this book is very thoughtful and thought-provoking, and if someone wants to practice guided meditation and practices to overcome unwanted thoughts in his mind then this book will serve in the best way. The reviewers also say that this book can help people to bring meditation to a higher level, where they can acquire a higher state of consciousness.

The book “A Year of Meditation” is a collection of 365 short daily meditations through which people can seek complete calmness and centeredness. This book also includes different daily exercises and practices such as mantras and affirmations that can help people to relieve stress and achieve mindfulness. The exercises provided in this book mostly take 3 to 15 minutes to practice and so that you can stay consistent and joyful.

Reviewers of this book say that the author of the book “Nora Day” has wonderfully written the book and put all her heart and soul into writing each page of the book. Readers also say that the author is a beautiful teacher and has taught the readers how to meditate and helped them to lower their stress and anxiety, and replaced them with trust and self-confidence.

Meditation for An Evolving People: Kundalini Yoga Meditations from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan Chosen from the Times We Are In

The book “Meditation for An Evolving People” helps the people who belong to the African diaspora and others to heal themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. This book also helps individuals how to rewire their brains, and to create self-love within. This book includes meditation practices that can assist people to create peace and stillness within themselves.

People who have read “Meditation for An Evolving People” note that this book is very easy to read and contains true and first-hand wisdom. They also say that this book contains everything that is needed for practicing meditation and the chapters in it hold significant importance and are rich in nature that made their purchases valuable.

Meditation for Kids: 40 Activities to Manage Emotions, Ease Anxiety, and Stay Focused

The book “Meditation for Kids” is written for kids of ages 4 to 8 to help them find inner peace in their lives. This book is very helpful for the kids to calm down and be more focused. This book contains easy meditation practices designed for kids with simple and short exercises that will help them to overcome anger, sadness, and take control of their thoughts and feelings.

Readers of this book have found this book very helpful for their kids and they said that this book helped their kids to find joy and fun and it also helped them to cope with stress. Readers further say that book is especially very helpful for their kids during their playtime as they stay focused and learn many new things.  

Morning Meditations: Awaken Your Power to Change

The book “Morning Meditations” by Norton Professional Books contains 150 entries about life’s most important questions in terms of change, stress, mindfulness, gratitude, relationships, health, etc. This includes the writings of the world’s top mental health practitioners that can help people bring drastic changes in their lives. This book contains the advice provided by the experts to live a successful life, self-loving life.

The reviewers of this book say that this book contains very thought-provoking questions that helped them to change their lives. Readers also say that this book is good for those who are going to practice meditation as this book helps a lot in meditation.



Guided meditation has always been an important practice in achieving self-love and creating some space for yourself. It provides self-confidence and self-pleasure as you keep practicing meditation. This practice greatly serves, especially those people who find themselves stuck in daily challenges and those who hardly deal with their emotional traumas.